a cat by day...

Lenore Bavarois

...a vampire by night.

Elements are being pulled from:Castlevania [Game & Animated-verse]
Vampire: The Masquerade
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft [Dungeons & Dragons]
Encyclopedia Eorzea I & II [Final Fantasy XIV]
The absolute thought web that is my brain


NAME: Lenore Bavarois
AGE: 200+, Appears in early 30s
RACE: Wildwood Elezen / Dhampir [Half Elven / Half Vampire]
NAMEDAY: 3rd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon [May 3rd]
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ft / 152.4 cm
PHYSIQUE: reletively short for an Elezen, slender, pallid skin
LIKES: tea, wine, cats, books
DISLIKES: fire, water
Loyal to a fault
Hopeless aristocratic romantic
Extremely curious about everything
Extremely impulsive
Easily Distracted (often said to be "away with the fae")
Melodramatic and Needy.
CURRENTLY RESIDES: Ishgard [House/Apartment/Office]
JOBS: Astrologian & Voidsent Summoner

Lenore's Cat Form

ABILITIES:Daywalker - Lenore is able to be out in the sun without harm for longer periods than a full-blooded vampire. While the sun may not outright kill her, it still hurts and will kill her if outside long enough!Shapeshifting - Lenore has a cat formSuperhuman Senses - Being half-vampire, Lenore's senses are heightened, with her best ability being extended night-visionSpider Climb: Lenore is able to walk up walls without issue and even hang off the ceilingBlood Bond: Upon drinking someone's blood, Lenore can choose to Blood Bond with them, in which she has a heightened sense to where they are in the world and how they are feeling.WEAKNESSES:Pretty peopleForbiddance: Lenore is unable to enter a residential home without an invitation.Running Water: Water is similar to acid and it B U R N S.


We begin in a pre-calamity Ishgard. Cyprian and Josseline Bavarois are expecting a child. This child becomes known as Lenore. Fire red hair of her mother, and the striking crimson eyes of her father.Cyprian was a full-fledged vampire. Eras old. Powerful. A being of taboo amid Ishgard, so he kept a low profile as to not cause a ruckus. Josseline, an Ishgardian Elezen woman, a chiurgeon serving under House Haillenarte.Lenore's childhood was largely normal, as normal as a Dhampir's childhood within a heretic-fearing city could be that is. Her parents oft played her off as a sickly child so her exposure to others was limited. Once old enough, she joined her mother in her duties mostly bringing dying or sickly patients comfort that did not otherwise have individuals to visit them. Lenore become well-renowned for her singing voice and was praised often when the dying passed peacefully to the Aetherial Sea.Years pass, something finally snaps in Cyprian. Burdened by the pressure of the small underground vampire circle to turn his wife, he chooses to slay her instead.Enraged by this, Lenore leaves Ishgard for Gridania, where she takes up studying becoming a conjurer and a botanist.The Creeping Death strikes and with it, brings a particularly handsome Alchemist from Ul'dah with a cure.Lenore becomes fascinated with him and his work that then was considered taboo, the two eventually forming a bond.Over the years, the two's bond deepens, and they eventually marry.Life is peaceful for them, until the realization of Lenore will outlive her beloved. She watches a young 24 year old man become old, grey, sickly. He does not live to see the destruction of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, and she buries him beneath the snows of Coerthas, vowing to recover and protect his work.The work slowly and surely recovered, she disguises it amid tomes she's written herself. Works that would bring many to the blush, Lenore was a master of her art, though boredom was starting to set in.Up until this point, Lenore hadn’t read any of her late husband’s research, and the tome she picked that day would turn her life upside down.She was always told she was a frail child, kept out of the sun and fed copious amounts of wine.Lenore was a vampire.This was understandably frightening and she dropped the tome to her desk. In that same vein though, it made sense.She opted for some air, Ishgard’s cold familiarity seeping into her bones. The Astrologicum was hosting divination readings, a welcome distraction. Eventually, Jannequinard convinced her to join the Astrologians. If only to cease the man who seems to like the sound of his own voice.Lenore thanked him for his time and would return later to begin training formally.Back to pouring over studies and research. Come to find out, she could shift! Without proper training however, it was awkward and wouldn’t stick very long in the beginning.Holding the shape of a black and white fluffy cat. This form she discovered also helped avoid sun sickness. She could day walk as a cat outdoors!

Weeks later, Lenore did not make it home. A stray street dog cornered her. Bit her face. A tall, armor-clad woman with an opposing figure happening to catch the altercation, scruffed the dog with ease, sending it yelping in a panic. The frightened and bleeding cat gazed up at the armored woman, visibly weakened but she knew she couldn’t drop shape. A true test of her own training.The woman would scoop her up and bring her to the room she was renting within the Forgotten Knight, tending to the bite Lenore sustained to her face. With some rest she heals quickly and the woman finds herself being awoken by the cat yowling to be let out hours later. Curious. The woman obliges and opens the door. The cat darted back out onto the streets of Ishgard. Intrigued, the woman decides to follow her, eventually coming across a home with a window open, in which the cat climbs into, obscuring from view.There’s surface thoughts of joy and relief coming from the house. Two young people.The woman then knocks on the door. A few seconds pass, and Lenore now in vampire form answers. This mysterious woman introduces herself as Striga and asks after the cat.To the woman’s shock, Lenore drops the glamour on her face, exposing the scarring. Lenore was the cat she saved. Striga then pieces together why she couldn’t read Lenore’s surface thoughts. “You’re also a child of the night.”, she said. “There’s others like me?” Lenore asks, “Not a lot, but we exist.”Lenore thanks Striga for saving her, and invites her in. Perhaps it’d be a good opportunity for Lenore to learn something from an older, full-blooded being of her kind.


Astarion Ancunin [Romantic Partner]

Gold-infused sunscreen wasn't the only thing he stole from her.[WIP]

Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur [Family]

Lenore's adopted children.The twins were introduced to her one night. Alisaie warmed right up to her but Alphinaud respectfully took a bit more time.

Striga [Guardian / Friend]

Striga rescued a Cat-Lenore from a street dog one night. It was a pretty raucous battle that left scarring on Lenore's nose [that she glamours away while appearing as a Vampire.]Striga nursed the injured "cat" back to health, soon finding out Lenore's true nature when Striga asks after Cat-Lenore at the Graves residence.Soon after, Striga takes Lenore as a ward, guarding her from danger and in short, teaching the half-breed "how to vampire".

Ardus Silverbane [Friend]

Ardus is one of Lenore's best friends and was one of the first people to find out about her true self.

all playable characters belong to their respective owners and appear with pemission


30+ genderqueer they/them or she/her
EST Time Zone
Absolutely NO Minors
SFW Collabs
WCIF Inquiries
NSFW Collabs
I rather keep both these things contained to my ship. thank you for understanding.
character ≠ real life

Before You Follow / Do Not Interact

lf you're any kind of *phobic. I have a zero tolerance policy for your bullshitIf you use the terms "futa" or "trap" in describing your WOL / OC. Some trans people might find them okay but I personally find them to be super fetishizing and my gender identity is **NOT **a fetish!If you ship the Leveilleur twins or any underage NPC for that matter with your grown-ass adult WOL/OC/NPC